Hi! We’re seeking interns who are organized, can lead a small group, are good communicators, and can work a minimum of 5 hours per week. (approx 30 min/day for most positions.)You will be working closely with Lorraine and our Asst. Coordinator beginning July 1st to Aug. 15th. (dates flexible)
We have several short-term summer internships available. These are unpaid positions, but can be listed on your resume/Linkedin. We have revamped our high school student volunteer programs and are hoping to have everything fully in place by the start of the Fall semester. We need a bit more leadership help to get everything running smoothly.
We are seeking:
4 interns to be “house leaders”. These interns will help cheer the students in their virtual house to keep them on track so that they meet project deadlines.
1 intern to help organize our new Cards2Warriors Plus program that connects a student to an illness warrior.
Up to 3 Interns to help us reach out to corporate sponsors for our Bright Futures Program so that we can provide cards, postage and t-shirts to our students.
2 interns for social media planning (Must have prior experience.)
You can see updated information about our Bright Futures program here.
Info about our Cards2Warriors program here.
If interested, please complete our Volunteer Form and we’ll set a time to talk.
Thanks for wanting to help us impact the lives of illness warriors worldwide!