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Cards2Warriors Program

If you LOVE sending snail mail to cheer and encourage others, our Cards2Warriors Program is the perfect place for YOU!

Our cards2warriors volunteers make and  send “a slew of snail mail love” to uplift and encourage those who are living with a long-term illness or rare disease who are struggling, facing a scary surgery, have lost a service animal, or other rough experience. Time after time we are told that cards arrived just when the recipient needed the love and support most!

Your cards and support give me the strength to keep fighting and to know that I am not alone. You are with me always, on good days and bad days. – Madalena, age 19

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors and partners, we have cards you can color…  blank front cards that you can use to create your own design… and printed cards that you can use to write a special message inside.

If you wish to join our volunteer C2W Crew and send cards regularly, click here. If you simply wish to participate once during one of our Card Events this year, you can request one-time cards via our contact us form here.


If you are coordinating a volunteer event for your company, school, scout troop, etc. let’s chat! Please reach out to us here.

If you are a FLORIDA high school student seeking virtual volunteer hours for your Bright Futures Scholarship, read more about our student programs here.


Thanks for being a part of our mission to uplift and encourage those with chronic illness and rare diseases around the world.

If you make cards and wish to donate them, please send them to us.

We will send a tax receipt for your donation:

Cards 2 Warriors

P.O. Box 621044

Oviedo, FL 32762


If you have questions, you can contact us here.

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